What do you expect
of a cultural monthly?
"ALORS" will be
available from news-stands on 14th November
Cultural magazine: the term in use today is ambiguous.
What does it mean? Is it a magazine focusing on "Culture" written
by established journalists? Or a monthly shaped by the individual and
free sympathies of its contributors?
an independent title, aims to present readers with articles which simply
explain their authors' relationship with the world, without presumption.
"ALORS" is European, provincial and deliberately "nomadic".
"ALORS" is based not only in Lyon but also in Toulouse,
Nîmes and even Paris. Quang-Tri Trân Diêp, Editorial
Director, and Jean-François Abert, Editor-in-Chief, have brought
together a team of journalists that they describe as "explorers of
the present day": Jean-Paul Kauffmann, Jean Rolin, Jacques Maigne,
Paul Fournel, Eugène Durif, Pierre Sorgue, Michel Le Bris, Luc
Vachez, as well as the Portuguese designer, Leonel Moura, and contributors
from the foreign press. Novelists like Colum McCann and photographers
like Derek Hudson and others from agencies like "Editing", "Métis",
"L'oeil public" and "Vu" will accompany articles in
The monthly magazine will have 84 pages and appear 10 times a year. A
print run of 30,000 copies will be distributed by NMPPs. "ALORS"
is published in Lyon by the Serveur Group (www.serveur.com), the data
bank and hard copy publications imprint. The Publishing Director is Thierry
Ehrmann, founder of the Serveur Group.
For the editorial managers and the publishing director, "Our modest
ambitions reflect the modesty of our editorial proposals - we do not intend
to cover every event, nor cover in 84 pages all the headings appropriate
to a general interest magazine. We simply aim to render our view of
the world intelligible.
News, by the time it reaches the reader, has gone all round the world.
For us, it only makes sense if we reveal the history of the attitudes
and means of cultural production.
Rather than react on the spot to this or that world-shaking event, which
would ultimately show a lack of taste for a monthly, we prefer the job
of analyzing selected situations based on their relative duration.
These re-readings of current events will be accounts and investigations
into their topical relevance, in other words into the resonance of
a literary work to discover or rediscover, of a type of social phenomenon,
of a musical performance, a piece of theatre or a film, of landscapes
too rarely visited or of the history of an object. Above all, we wish
to establish a writer's journalism with the views that this
implies and the risks that this entails, whose words and photographs
form a coherent whole. If we must have an image, "ALORS"
will be a socially concerned and entertaining documentary magazine
drawing its strength from a spirit of "journalism on the ground"."
- Press contacts: Mathieu
Calleux - Calyptus - +33 1 53 65 37 91 - mathieu.calleux@calyptus.net
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